Several weeks ago, the staff team at Taradale Anglican sat down and assessed a question - how many gift tags should we ask for from the Napier Family Centre this year. Discussion ranged widely, with some throwing high numbers out as an aspirational goal and others stating the realism of the financial pressures so many face. In the end, we settled on 30.
The team may have settled on 40 gifts tags, but our community didn't. The original group of 40 were gone within the first day of them being available - the mix of generous numbers and one very generous individual. In response, we thought we should get some more. Again, how many would be right. In the end, we settled on 20 additional. And again, within one Sunday gathering they were all gone!
Sadly, this Sunday marks the last day we can collect these gifts which means we cannot go back and get even more, but even hitting 60 gifts donated is an amazing achievement. Those gifts will go to families that would otherwise have little to nothing in the way of gifts on Christmas morning. The generosity of our community helping to bring a glimmer of the joy to so many families this Christmas morning.
What better way to celebrate the blessing of Christmas Day, of God's gift of Godself to us, than in the gifting of joy to others!
Thank you to everyone who purchased a gift as part of this drive!