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Investing in International Mission

2024 offers our community a new and exciting opportunity to invest deeply into the mission of God both in New Zealand and around the world. Following discussions and consultation last year, we have set aside a significant sum to invest into works and ministry to support a community in the Pacific and other communities around the world.

Following further consideration, we have highlighted two area we believe that, as a church, we could make a significant difference. The first is in the Fijian community of Nadawa. The second is through a partnership with World Vision Child Sponsorship.

We discussed the possible support of Nadawa last year. This is a very underserved community of 'blackbirded' Melanesians in Fiji. Their ancestors were kidnapped and brought to Fiji to serve as workers (often slaves) on sugar plantations. The resultant cultural reality is a lived experience as second class citizens. Much of the Anglican community in Nadawa presently live as squatters on land belonging to the government, with little permanent and little in their ownership. Our support would bring financial aid to the local parish who would be resourced to support their community, and then the wider community from there. This will be a mixture of practical and spiritual support, as well as more developmental goals such as water and housing stock. In the long run, the partnership between our communities would see exchanges and youth short term mission experiences in both directions, all supported by NZ Church Missionary Society as part of a broader mission experience and innovation learning.

Alongside this support, we have begun to discuss what a church backing of the World Vision Chosen programme might look like. The video for the programme can be found below, which outlines how it works and how it is different.

Presently, we are exploring the possibility of the church subsidizing sponsorships and asking church members to commit to writing and praying for the young person they become partnered with. This will offer a lifetime experience for many people, and a life changing one for the sponsored child. World Vision has a now long proven effectiveness as transforming the communities they bring the sponsorship programme into and this is a chance for us to contribute to the change through financial support and prayer.

We will explore some of these possibilities and also invite your input and contribution at a forum meeting to be held on Sunday, 19 May at All Saints Church following both our 8am and 10am services.

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