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Courses and Workshops for Term Four released

As a community we love to share what we have almost as much as we love seeing other people sharing what they love. Pro Sanctis, our community education initiative is a space we get to do both. Launched last term, Term Four has a range of new opportunities to engage and learn whether your interest is in faith and spirituality, in practical skills like sewing, pottery and design, or in deep thinking philosophy and reflection.

For a full outline of what is on offer this coming term, visit our education website this will help you get a sense of what each course or workshop is about and to RSVP to come along or to signal your interest when a date has not yet been set.

Please share this offering widely as the more that see it the more than engage, and the more that engage the more we are able to offer to the city in the terms to come. If you have a passion, skill, background or hobby you would like to share, please contact us by clicking here and we would love to work with you to help you offer it as a learning for others!

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