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Creating structures for the future

At the Diocesan Synod that is to be held in Gisborne from October 18 to 20, a motion is being written to allow the wheels of diocesan life to turn on how our diocese does mission and ministry in the City of Napier. At present, Napier houses the Parish of Taradale, the Cathedral Parish of St John the Evangelist, and the Parish of Westshore. Each of these is a unique expression of Anglican Ministry, one being a stipended parish, another a cathedral parish and Westshore a Local Shared Ministry unit. These expression each have a different history and focus, which has led them to be the unique forms of life they express.

As the demands and costs of ministry and mission grow, as well as the nature of mission changes in a post-Christian culture, these communities have signalled an openness to reassessing their structures to find places where savings and efficiency can be found to allow for greater ministry to be resourced.

For an Anglican Diocese, this conversation is one to be held at a level greater than the parish as it impacts a number of parts of our life together. As a result, the process is undertaken through Synod and is one that requires two years and two separate gatherings of what is, in effect, the diocesan Annual General Meeting. At the meeting in October, a motion will be put authorising the formation of a committee to report on how a new parish could be formed in Napier and the structures and autonomy that would need to be built in to ensure the natures of each community is maintained.

For some this may be a daunting idea - there is a fierce independence in Anglican communities. Be assured that none of this process will move quickly and that the synod motion is simply the necessary beginning step for our communities and diocesan officials to begin the work of consultation and dialogue around whether such an amalgamation is feasible and beneficial to the mission of the church.

As more becomes apparent and processes are established, more information including dates and opportunities to engage will be shared with our communities.

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