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Derry to be ordained

On Saturday, 30 November at 11am, Derry Boylan will be ordained as a Deacon by Bishop Andrew. This moment marks an important step in the journey of Derry's discernment and sense of call with the official recognition by the bishop of his calling to wider church leadership.

In our bulletin this Sunday, Alan has explored some of the distinctions between the different ordained offices in the church. In essence, a Deacon is called to lead the church when it is not gathered - promoting service, care and mission. The Priest on the other hand has a responsibility for the gathered church - leading worship, teaching, and administering the sacraments. For Derry, the ordination to the Diaconate will be transitional with a likely ordination to the priesthood to follow in the year after.

While this is a significant day for Derry and as church, we are encouraged to head along to the service to acknowledge and celebrate alongside him and Carl Tinnion who will be ordained a priest, it is also a big day for the ministry of our church. While Derry's journey to this point has been a long one with the input of many communities and figures, it is in our midst that he has felt that call and found it confirmed - we have had and continue to carry a role in forming the ordained person Derry is becoming.

The service will be one of Choral Eucharist at the cathedral, with the choir and the pomp and ceremony of the church on full display. The preacher will be our Vicar, Alan Burnett.

What: Derry's Ordination

When: Saturday, 30 November from 11am

Where: Cathedral of St John the Evangelist, Napier

Who: Everyone!

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