The first documented knowledge of the Church engaging in special services, gatherings and occasions in the lead up to Easter dates back to the 3rd Century. During this age, it was a time of fasting from meat, with Friday a day of absolute fast. Thankfully, the experiences and nature of the week have shifted through time, with the church giving particular focus to the stories of Thursday, Friday and the silence of Saturday. This year, we want to engage as many people as we can with the story of Holy Week and the joy of Easter, and so our offerings as a church are a little different.
Monday to Friday:
Online Night Prayer, 7:30pm
Every evening of Holy Week at 7:30pm, a video will go live leading you through a service of night prayer with a particular reflection on the readings of Jesus' walk to the cross. Led by Alan, Julie, Peter, and Derry, this will be an opportunity to engage with readings from meditations through Holy Week whenever and wherever it best works for you. These can be watched on our church YouTube page -
Community Dinner, 5:30pm
At the heart of Jesus' ministry was the embrace of hospitality and sharing of a meal. To capture this dimension of who Jesus was and who he calls us to be, we are offering a dinner to any and all who wish to come. There is no expectation of a Christian faith, nor any mandatory practices or services you have to take part in. Instead, this is just a chance for us to open our table to others and share in the table fellowship that so marked Jesus' life. An opportunity to engage in the practice of footwashing will be available to you, but not required.
Good Friday:
Reflective Service, 10am
This is always a wonderful and deeply moving service, allowing you to engage with the wonder of the beauty of God's love as well as the struggle of our broken human nature and the ease with which we turn from Hosanna to Crucify. The service will be approximately one hour and hot cross buns can be shared following in the lounge.
Walk of Witness, 11am (Beginning at Bay Baptist Church)
This historic walk allows us to share our witness to the cross with other churches in our area and our city. Beginning at 11am, those present gather, pray and sing before walking the cross to St Columba's Church, the Taradale Clock Tower and then to All Saints'. At All Saints', we share in some hot cross buns, pray and sing again before beginning the walk up Dolbel hill where, at the top, we place the cross. It remains standing there looking over the city for the weekend, and is brought down following our SonRise Service on Easter Morning.
Holy Saturday
Fire and Lights: An Introduction to Easter, 7pm
Whether you know the story of Easter, or don't really know whether it is Santa or an Easter Bunny that you are looking out for this time around, Fire and Lights is for you. Using the symbols of Fire and Light, we help to share the story of Easter through practical and experiential ways, while also having some fun. Alongside the experience, there will be a torch-lit Easter Egg Hunt, sausages, marshmallows to toast and at least one or two chocolate fish to eat.