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Streams in the Wilderness

Over the past few days, Alan, Joss, Peter and Julie have attended the Diocese of Waiapu's Ministry Conference in Taupō. The verse that set the scene for the conference was Isaiah 35, a promise of God bringing abundance where there is famine and flourishing where there is desert. This image was the background to a deep and probing exploration of the developing vision and strategic plan for the Diocese, one that will see us embarking on new ways and initiatives to partner with God in releasing water into the desert places.

The strategic plan for the diocese has 5 key 'pou' or pillars that articulate how it intends to be a community marked by "life giving faith, faith giving life". These pillars can be summarised in the titles of 'Strong local Anglican communities', "Resourcing First Thirds Ministry", "Growing leaders who disciple others and help lead others to flourish", "Knowing and living out the potential of our whakapapa", and "Aligning ourselves to serve the mission of God and love one another in the process".

At a parish level, this speaks to an investment in the development of future leaders for the church and a resourcing of ministry that grows us as missioners of the kingdom - particularly as it relates to children, youth and young adults and helping our wider community to flourish. There is a sense in which what all of this means and the particularity of it are still being worked out. Leaning into the image of Matariki, Bishop Andrew spoke of the vision as a constellation that we are throwing into the heavens as a guide as we navigate on the journey to a new land, where life and flourishing are a hallmark.

As a parish, we are excited about how we can work with the diocese to bring this all to bear on the local context through the life of the church and smaller communities that live and move amongst us. Watch this space as more in released.

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